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About Us

Since 2005, the Stephen F. Mitchell, CPA has been helping individuals, contractors and small businesses manage their accounting, tax and financial requirements. When a company does business globally, income taxes, withholding, property ownership and reporting requirements can become very complicated.

Stephen F. Mitchell, CPA, can help your company navigate through the maze of regulatory headaches with our expertise with local tax laws and tax treaty issues affecting U.S. citizens living and working abroad. We can provide U.S. companies and individuals consultation on a variety of issues as they apply to your status while operating abroad. We have established relationships with Germany Steuerberatungs  and Mexican Tax Advisors  that will help you to do the right thing and avoid regulatory problems while living and working in these countries.


66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach


Portofino Pedregal

Cabo San Lucas


By: Appointment Only

We will help you walk the tight-rope of complex economic and financial issues while operating in Germany and Mexico.

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